Andrea Monserrat Arredondo Rodriguez

Data Science and AI Additional Projects

Data Science Publications

Online education in times of COVID: Adapting and deploying a data science program in Mexico

System for the acquisition of agricultural market data and automated temporal analysis, oriented to the prediction of future prices

Online education in times of COVID: Adapting and deploying a data science program in Mexico

Heading Three (h3)

Heading Four (h4)

Heading Five (h5)
Heading Six (h6)


Single line

My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.


What do you get when you cross an insomniac, an unwilling agnostic and a dyslexic?

You get someone who stays up all night torturing himself mentally over the question of whether or not there’s a dog.

Hal Incandenza

Horizontal Rule


Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4
First entry Second entry Third entry Fourth entry
Fifth entry Sixth entry Seventh entry Eight entry
Ninth entry Tenth entry Eleventh entry Twelfth entry
Thirteenth entry Fourteenth entry Fifteenth entry Sixteenth entry


Source code can be included by fencing the code with three backticks. Syntax highlighting works automatically when specifying the language after the backticks.

function foo () {
    return "bar";

This would be rendered as:

function foo () {
    return "bar";




  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item
    1. First nested item
    2. Second nested item